FAQ page

How much weight should I cut?

There are a few factors to determine how much weight you should cut:

TLDR: The amount of weight you should cut depends on the individual. A rough esitmate for how much you should weigh 2 weeks before weigh-ins is 6.5-8% more than your weight class.

What foods should I eat?
I want to compete at a specific weight class. How long should I diet for to make the weight?
When should I eat?

Timing your meals isn't very important in the grand scheme of things. If you have carbs in your diet, it can be beneficial to consume them around your workouts (1 hour before and right after). Other than that, you can try intermittent fasting as this seems to help some people stay disciplined with their which is the main goal!

How many calories should I eat?
(In progress)
Do I have to cut weight in a sauna or hot bath?
(In progress)
What is the best way to track my weight?
(In progress)